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An introduction to evidence-based practice


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as an approach to decision-making where the clinician integrates the best available evidence with patient consultation to determine the most suitable option for the individual (Muir-Gray, 1997). EBP plays a vital role in providing safe and effective patient -centred nursing care to patients (Kumah et al 2022). It involves seeking out the latest evidence, critically evaluating it, and continuously questioning and refining our own practices as well as those of our colleagues. However, despite its integration into nursing practice guidelines, significant challenges persist. Many nurses struggle to fully understand EBP, and there are notable inconsistencies in the implementation of evidence-based care in clinical settings (Kerr and Rainey, 2021). This new series of articles for 2025 will seek to assist nurses in understanding the concept of evidence-based practice and how to interpret different levels of evidence and their relevance to clinical practice. 

Overview of EBP

Florence Nightingale is widely recognized as a pioneer in connecting evidence to practice in nursing during the 1800s, advocating for changes that improved patient outcomes. (Kerr and Rainey 2021). Nightingale recognised the connection between unsanitary conditions and poor health outcomes and systematically documented how improved cleanliness led to better patient recovery and overall health outcomes when working in military hospitals during the Crimean war (Mackey and Bassendowski, 2017). It was not however until the 1970s that the concept of linking evidence with best practice was fully explored in medicine by Professor Archie Cochrane (Mackey and Bassendowski, 2017). Cochrane advocated for the use of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) as the most appropriate source of evidence that should be used to guide clinical decision-making. This approach aimed to reduce variation in practice and ensure resources were allocated to the most effective treatments (Mackey and Bassendowski, 2017).  Following this Sackett et al. (1996) introduced the terminology Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), which initiated the foundational concept of its three pillars which included: utilizing the best available evidence, applying clinical expertise, and incorporating patient values, goals, and preferences. Greenhalgh (2014) further refined EBM by emphasising that while robust clinical evidence is essential for guiding practice, it cannot, on its own, ensure that patients receive the most appropriate care. Greenhalgh (2014) highlighted that clinicians should also incorporate their expert judgment and experience to make appropriate care decisions and emphasised a stronger focus on patient-centred care. This approach recognises that not every patient's situation aligns perfectly with the best available evidence and that the experience of a clinician and patients’ preferences are equally important considerations when deciding appropriate care options.
evidence-based practice
The term evidence-based medicine has evolved into  EBP and has been adopted for use by a broad range of allied healthcare professionals (Kerr and Railey 2021). EBP is now a key component of professional practice for nurses, as reflected in the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct (NMC, 2018). 


The three pillars of EBP [A-head]

Let’s explore the three essential pillars of EBP:

Utilizing the best available evidence [B-head]

The first pillar of EBP involves healthcare professionals (HCPs) seeking out and critically appraising the best available external clinical evidence, then applying it appropriately to clinical decision-making (Kerr and Rainey ,2021). Relevant evidence can come from a variety of sources, including systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), non-randomized or non-experimental studies, qualitative research, expert opinions, descriptive studies, and case studies (LoBiondo-Wood et al, 2019). However, ndespite the level of evidence, it is not necessarily of equal quality. Poorly conducted research can lead to misinterpretation and have a negative impact on clinical practice (Greenhalgh, 2014). The volume and type of evidence that is produced can also be overwhelming (Greenhalgh 2014) and understanding evidence can be challenging. Therefore, it is essential for nurses to be able to identify high-quality, relevant studies and approach less robust or less applicable research with caution, especially in relation to the specific clinical context. 
When considering evidence, you may ask yourself:
  • Where do I begin?
  • What sort of evidence is available?
  • What is the difference in the types of evidence available?
  • How do I know that the evidence is robust enough for me to change my practice? 
  • What happens if there is not enough evidence to support decision making?
Over the year, these questions will be explored in greater depth and answered as part of the EBP series.  

Clinical judgement: combining clinical skills and expertise with the best evidence

The second pillar of EBP encourages the HCP , once they have critically appraised the evidence, to apply it appropriately to real patient scenarios (Greenhalgh, 2014). To effectively apply external evidence to individual patients, HCPs must possess expertise, knowledge, and skills, along with a level of proficiency and judgment that enables them to interpret and integrate relevant evidence into clinical practice (Greenhalgh, 2014).

Patient choice: Incorporating the patient’s unique experiences, needs, and circumstances into the decision-making process

The final pillar emphasises the importance of aligning individualised patient care with EBP by respecting each patient's values, morals, and circumstances. Healthcare professionals should be able to identify what matters most to the patient, discuss relevant options openly, and support shared decision-making, even when the chosen course of action does not fully align with the available evidence, or clinician preference.
These three pillars function collaboratively, as relying on any single pillar in isolation undermines the effectiveness of best-practice care. For instance, if clinical expertise or patients unique circumstances is solely driven by evidence, it can lead to suboptimal outcomes since even high-quality evidence may not be suitable for every individual patient.


EBP serves as a cornerstone for delivering safe, effective, and patient-centred care in nursing. EBP integrates the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values to guide decision-making. Despite its established importance, challenges remain in fully embedding EBP into everyday clinical practice, including gaps in understanding, inconsistent application, and barriers to accessing and interpreting evidence.

The three pillars of EBP—utilising the best available evidence, applying clinical expertise, and incorporating patient preferences—must work in harmony to achieve optimal outcomes. Nurses must not only seek and critically appraise evidence but also develop the necessary skills and judgment to tailor evidence to individual patient needs. Moving forward, ongoing education, reflective practice, and a commitment to questioning and refining clinical approaches will be essential in overcoming these challenges.

The forthcoming series of articles aims to support nurses in enhancing their understanding of EBP, equipping them with the tools needed to evaluate evidence, integrate it into practice, and ultimately provide care that is both scientifically sound and deeply attuned to the unique circumstances of each patient.


Greenhalgh T (2014) Evidence base medicine: a movement in crisis? BMJ 2014;348:g3725

Kerr H, Rainey D (2021) Addressing the current challenges of adopting evidence-based practice in nursing. BJN 30 (16): 970-974

Kumah E, et al. 2022 evidence informed practice: simplifying and applying the concept for nursing students and academics. BJN 31(6) :322-330

LoBiondo-Wood G, Haber J, Titler MG. Evidence-based practice for nursing and healthcare quality improvement. Maryland Heights (MO):Elsevier. 2019

Mackey A, Bassendowski S. 2017 The History of Evidence- Based Practice in Nursing Education and Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing .33 (1) : 51-55

Muir-Gray JA. 1997 Evidence-based healthcare. How to make health policy and management decisions. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone

Nursing & Midwifery Council (2018) The code: professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. Available at:

Sackett D, et al 1996 Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t BMJ 1996;312:71